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Replay is Coming!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012 by

ESPN baseball insider, Jason Stark, has confirmed that Major League Baseball is going to expand instant replay as early as the 2013 season. This comes at a time when league umpires have come under heavy fire for being, what humans call, complete fucking idiots.

Here are the plans according to Stark:

  • A group of umpires will watch games from a central location
  • On plays that are "clearly wrong" the group would then signal the umpires at the game and let them know there is an obvious call that needs to be changed
  • MLB hopes to implement an introductory version of the system in 2013
  • The initial system would only review home runs, whether a ball is fair or foul, and whether or not a player caught a ball
  • The system would then be expanded "after a year or so" once the system is optimized
  • At that point, the system would be expanded "to all sorts of calls." However, Stark says exactly what would be included would have to be negotiated

  • This move makes perfect sense. An umpire can review crucial plays from a central location and quickly inform the umpires on the field limiting the amount of time spent on the review. Problem solved. No one is hurt. All are happy. The call is correct.

    Embrace technology. Don't run from it.

    (Source: ESPN Radio, Business Insider)

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